My Practice


emotional health
& well-being



As a Registered Counsellor (BPsych), who is accredited with the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa), I have specialised in the fields of trauma and pastoral counselling. I make use of Play Therapy in children ages 2-11 years old.  I believe I can assist in the emotional health of children, teenagers and adults.

I offer basic short-term counselling, providing psychosocial support to any individual experiencing trauma or difficulty in their life. In children ages 2-11 years, I offer Play Therapy as a means to work through a trauma or difficulty in their lives.  I follow a child-centred, non-directive approach during Play Therapy.


  • Play Therapy

  • Trauma Counselling

  • Various Workshops

  • Parental Coaching

The DSM-IV defines trauma in the following way: “Direct personal experience of an event that involves actual or threatened death, or witnessing an event that involves death, injury or threat to physical or emotional integrity. The person experiences intense fear, helplessness and horror.”

A modern-day definition of trauma is “any event that overwhelms your coping mechanisms”. Too much stress also threatens one’s coping mechanisms. At times during our life journey, we encounter difficulties that we struggle to process and negotiate on our own. This is where short-term counselling can help one during these difficult times.

Play Therapy

Play is the international language of children. Play Therapy aims to bring the unconscious or unresolved issues to the conscious through non-threatening play. A relationship develops between the counsellor and child in which a trusting alliance is formed. A safe and contained environment also promotes the identification, processing and expression of emotion.

Play therapy can benefit children with social or emotional issues like separation anxiety, anger outbursts, fears etc. Children whose parents are going through conflict, separation and divorce, hugely benefit from Play Therapy. Any child who has experienced a traumatic event like an accident, illness, hijacking or robbery, can benefit as well. Stress management and emotional intelligence can be developed through play.